Tag Archive | asshole

Yes I’m a snitch. And you are pathetic moron who can’t compete without cheating.

So over the past few weeks I have been sucked into Grand Theft Auto Online. It’s was lots of fun, until players found a glitch that lets them get unlimited amounts of cash. Since then anytime I get a game generated bounty on my character, I can no longer escape death. This is because players now have the ability to buy very high end equipment like it’s nothing. In particular an attack helicopter with a type of homing missile that costs 2,000,000 dollars. Under normal means $2 mil is not an easy amount to come by. Typically you can earn between 10 and 20K for doing various activities. So it’s clear that this vehicle isn’t something players are supposed to be able to get multiple times.

This glitch and the attitude of players in general is a perfect example of why I rarely play games online. Rarely is there an even playing field, even rarer that you have players that follow the rules. What’s even more pathetic is the justification that players are giving. One of the most prevalent ones is that it’s Rockstar’s fault this exists, and they should expect players to use it. I have to wonder if the dumbasses act the same way in real life. Let’s say someone left their credit card number in a place where these dickheads could see it. Since they left it there, obviously they meant for the person to use it, right? It’s not fraud to use the number, and if caught the owner of the card should just accept and be ok with someone using it? Right? No of  course not, so why should in game be any different?

Which leads me to the bullshit of “relax, it’s only a game” and calling people who report cheaters “snitches”. First off just because it’s a game doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t be pissed that some asshole is getting ahead by cheating. I’ve put in many hours to get my character to level 25. How fucking dare you tell me to relax when you haven’t put in shit for hours and suddenly you have access to things that I don’t? And this bullshit about calling people “snitches”. I’m proudly a snitch and I don’t give a fuck how messed up you think it is. If you are so pathetic that the only way you can compete with me in a game is to cheat, then fuck you. You deserve to be reported. You are literally ruining the game for those of us trying to play honestly.

The worst reasoning for using the glitch is when I read someone saying it was ok because it was impossible to get to level 10. Really? Impossible to get to a low level in the game. You don’t even belong in the fucking game at that point. What the hell right do you think you have to jump ahead of everyone just because you don’t have the least bit of skill to play the game. Lets be clear about something, you can easily get to level 10 by doing any number of things. You can play tennis for god sakes and get to level 10.

So what’s the next step? Well for one I hope Rockstar either bans the assholes cheating or resets their characters after the issue has been fixed.  Two, I’ve learned how to play so the assholes with rockets can’t hit me and actually end up killing each other. Finally if I hear ANYONE on chat talking about getting money using the glitch, I report them.

What it really comes down to is I just want to enjoy my time online playing the game. If you are such a lame moronic asshole that the only way you can kill me is by cheating to get an overpowered seeking weapon, then you deserve to be reported and banned. You don’t have the skills to play the game.

You are about to read the single most idiotic question to be asked in a very long time…

So I lied, you are getting two rants today! I happened upon an article called “Dumbest tweet you’ll see all day” on the site Daily Kos (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/08/19/1232221/-Dumbest-tweet-you-ll-see-all-day). Seeing as the name of my blog is “Observations of Daily Stupidity” and I read about a ton of stupidity each day it was hard for me to grasp that this one item would be the dumbest. I was shocked to find out that it indeed was the dumbest thing I had read all day, or for quite some time for that matter. Someone named Charles C. W. Cooke who apparently calls himself a conservative intellectual (HA!) said the following “Why is “gay conversion therapy” so terrible that it must be banned but physical sex-change operations not? Seems a bizarre double-standard.”

Yes you read that right. This self described intellectual doesn’t understand why gay conversion therapy is banned but sex change operations are not. I’ll address that in a minute but first a question. How in the mother fucking world can someone be considered intellectual yet ask one of the most stupid fucking questions ever to come out of a human being lips? That’s like saying you are a skilled surgeon because you’ve never lost a game of Operation. The next time he calls himself that, whoever is next to him needs to punch him in the balls, HARD!

Now let me address the question put forth. Remember the stories about parents forcing their kids have painful surgery on their sexual organs to turn them to something else? Where they also forced them to take hormones instead of regular vitamins? You know where, even though they we happy being a boy or girl the parents felt that their religious dumbfuckery was more important than reality so they made them go through a sex change operation? No? THAT’S BECAUSE IT’S NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED! Parents have forced their kids to convert their sexuality though, MANY TIMES. Get it Chuck Cooke? One is consensual the other is not. Do you sit there and ask “Why is it that rape is so terrible that it must be outlawed but two people agreeing to have sex isn’t? Seems like a bizarre double-standard.” No? Then why the hell would you ask such a stupid fucking question. Forget the logical answer to your question as it’s clear you lack any ability to think on a logical level. One is a fucking medically approved procedure, the other is not. There is no “bizarre double-standard”.

So before you open your fucking mouth again Chuck, take two minutes and think about what you are asking. On second thought don’t, I can always use the shit you say as proof of just how really fucking stupid people can be.

Antonin Scalia Thinks Everyone Is Gay!

Today’s rant is brought to you by everyone’s favorite artery clogged dumbfuck of a judge, Antonin Scalia. In this article: http://news.yahoo.com/scalia-court-shouldnt-invent-minorities-221932818.html it appears he was partaking in his favorite activity of being a complete fucking tool in front of a crowd of his mentally deficient cheer squad. This time he said “It’s not up to the courts to invent new minorities that get special protections,”. With the recent Supreme Court decisions it’s a pretty safe assumption that he is referring to gay folks. In other words it’s not up to the courts to invent a gay minority that get special protections. That can mean a few different things.

One could be that he doesn’t believe gay people exist, therefore they aren’t a minority that gets special protections. We know this isn’t true as per the fact that he has often talked about them. See here: http://www.businessinsider.com/scalias-most-anti-gay-comments-2013-6. The next could be that he lacks the very basic understanding of what the term minority means. As he has an actual degree in English from Radcliff College that can’t be true either. The next is that gay people are a minority but don’t deserve “special protections” which would seem odd as that would mean he doesn’t think the 14th amendment of the Constitution exists. So that leaves only one option left, that gay people aren’t a minority but really a majority. So I’m calling it official, Antonin Scalia thinks the majority of people are gay!

Actually I did leave out one other conclusion. That being that Antonin is a bigoted, small minded, asshole. Who because of his personal dislike of homosexuality should be removed from any case that involves anything relating to it as he clearly lacks the ability to judge impartially on the matters. Yeah, that’s probably it.

Thou Shall Not be an Asshole – Genesis 1:Whatever

Today I was greeted to the following headline: “Catholic Cardinal calls gay US ambassador nominee a “faggot”.

Let me say right off the bat that I am sick of Catholics and their bullshit. Furthermore if you are a Catholic and you aren’t speaking up, I’m sick of your bullshit also. I hear you saying “Oh but that’s in Santo Domingo, my church isn’t like that!”. Sorry, that is also bullshit. You see when you are a member of a group and one of the leaders of that group is saying things that are hateful, you have an obligation to speak up about it. If you don’t, then you are showing your agreement to what happened. What you don’t agree? Then what is the excuse for not speaking up? Afraid God will not let you into heaven? Do you really think that upon reaching the pearly gates God will look at you and say “You have led a great life. You have helped others. You have been kind, caring, and supportive of the less fortunate. Oh wait a minute… You are the one who complained about the Cardinal calling people a faggot. Of to hell you go! We have no place for those who don’t accept my representatives on Earth being dicks to people!”

The whole thing makes me wonder what the hell kind of Christian you think you are? Now granted I’m not exactly up on the latest flavors of Christianity, but I’m pretty sure there are some moral guidelines that say “thou shall not be an asshole”. Oh I know, the Bible says homosexuality is wrong. That point is debatable, and it’s beside the point. The Bible is not written to say “Well homosexuality is wrong, so go ahead and call people names and be a hateful prick!”. Then again I’m not real familiar with intimate details of Catholicism. Maybe the Catholic Church decided long ago to exclude the book of the bible that has the part telling you not to be an asshole. That once upon a time the Pope proclaimed “This book telling people not to be an asshole shall be banned for eternity as it impedes our long term goal of teaching the virtues of pure assholism”. That certainly would explain much of their behavior throughout history.

Look it’s very simple. You want people to treat you with respect? You want people to look at Catholicism in a positive light and not as a fucking cult of evil? You need to do your part. When shit like this happens, you need to speak up. Otherwise you are as much a part of the problem as the ignorant asshole Cardinal.